
内部欺诈消耗了超过4美元.每年从全球减少7万亿美元 企业, according to an estimate by the Association 注册欺诈审查员 (ACFE).

的 median loss from internal fraud at companies in the construction industry is $203,000, according to ACFE’s latest Report to the Nations. 建设 experiences the fourth largest median losses of any industry (the median loss for all 企业 is $117,000).

Although companies can experience pilferage from customers, 供应商和其他来源, 雇员的损失最大, when taking into account offenses such as fraudulent insurance claims, unauthorized time off 和 theft of proprietary information. Crimes can be as simple as stealing company supplies or as complex as sophisticated financial statement fraud.

更具体地说, fraud by managers 和 key executives generates the highest dollar losses because these employees are in a good position to falsify financial, 凭证, work-related or test-related documents for personal gain.

建设 companies are more susceptible to corrupt business practices than other industries. 这可能包括贿赂和国家抓捕.

你的公司能做些什么来防止盗窃? 的 ACFE 报告发现这些措施是有效的:

改善内部控制. 例如, 不允许同一名员工记账, 收集资金, 写支票和核对银行账户. Arrange for monthly bank statements to be delivered unopened to the company owner, who should review them for unusual transactions, such as declining deposits 和 checks to unfamiliar parties.

进行背景调查 关于新员工.

安排欺诈审计 by the company’s outside accountants or an internal 审计 department. CPAs can conduct regular independent internal control studies of cash accounts, bank statements 和 other items to detect criminal activity. Surprise 审计s are an effective, yet underutilized, tool in the fight against fraud.

愿意起诉犯罪者. Some organizations that were victimized by fraud didn’t report the cases to law enforcement because: they were afraid of bad publicity; reached a private settlement; wanted closure; or considered internal punishment sufficient.

为员工提供职业道德培训. Educate staff members about the possible sources of fraud 和 consequences, 比如失业, 加薪和利润.

Institute anonymous fraud reporting mechanisms,例如热线电话. 欺诈 is commonly discovered through tips from employees, vendors, customers or other sources. 的se people are frequently in a position to see violations of company policies or excessive personal spending by colleagues.

安装工作场所监控设备. 例如, a video camera monitoring a loading dock where theft is suspected.

寻找行为上的危险信号 including the perpetrator living beyond his or her means 和 having financial difficulties. 的y can also involve an unwillingness to share duties, 一种“精明商人”的态度, 离婚或家庭问题, 上瘾的问题, refusal to take vacations 和 an unusually close association with vendors or customers.

对欺诈采取零容忍态度. 只需要一些基本的程序, internal business theft can be significantly reduced — or even eliminated — so your construction business can flourish.


  • 在全球范围内, more than two-thirds of all frauds are committed by men. In the United States, men committed an estimated 73% of all frauds.
  • 在全球范围内, the median loss was also higher when committed by men ($125,000美元),而女性为100美元,000).
  • Losses tend to rise as the perpetrators’ tenure with the organization increases.
  • Small 企业 are especially vulnerable because of a lack of basic internal control measures.

-资料来源:国际能源协会2022年报告. 注册欺诈审查员


One important factor in whether or not employees steal is their attitudes. Employees who feel they are treated fairly by their company are less likely to commit fraud. Many offenses are committed by people who hold grudges 和 are looking for revenge.

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